Besides offering services like rest areas, gas stations, and shopping for travelers, Taiwan's freeway rest stops have also developed a unique "food culture." The most iconic example of this is the "wall lunchbox." These hidden gems of commoner cuisine are typically located in inconspicuous corners along the rest stop walls. Without fancy decorations or menus, they conquer the stomachs of countless travelers and truck drivers with their affordable prices and home-style flavors.
Speaking of "wall lunchboxes," we can't forget the two "lunchbox strongholds" of Xinyiang Rest Stop and Xiluo Rest Stop. Each has its own unique style and dishes, attracting different gourmets to taste. This time, I will become a food correspondent and actually visit these two rest stops to have a...
「國道便當爭霸戰」!Highway Lunchbox Showdown!
The materials for this project were collected along the way. There might be discrepancies between the photos taken at the time of purchase and the actual prices now. However, the prices shared in the article are the latest information as of the time of publication. Please refer to them accordingly.

一人餐桌這邊買唷: http://bit.ly/2EIIRGx
@dtmsimon 西螺休息站的新東陽真的豁岀去了!#西螺休息站 #便當 ♬ Anime song-like pops of cute atmosphere - usagirikuhyo
@dtmsimon 你知道新營休息站也可以吃外面嗎?🤣🤣 #fyp #foryou #我要上推薦 #關注 #分享 #便當 #台南美食 #國道運轉手 ♬ 原聲 - 大家好我是電冰箱-南北貨俱樂部

新營休息站代表: 出站便道出口便當
價格:85 元
烤排骨和烤雞腿便當,通通均一價85元。 雖然這次嘗試的烤雞腿便當,
在外觀和口感上都有些差強人意,但 85 元的價格,仍然吸引了不少顧客。
Xinyiang Rest Stop Representative: The Exit Bento
Price: 85 NTD
Features: Grilled meat main courses, traditional side dishes.
Highlights: Quick and convenient, perfect for travelers in a hurry.
Drawbacks: The main course and side dishes were just okay. The chicken leg could be mistaken for a pork chop, and it lacked a memorable element.
This bento shop, located at the south and northbound exits of Xinyiang Rest Area, has no signboard or name, just a simple tin-roofed shack. It offers four flavors: fried codfish, braised pork belly, grilled pork chop, and grilled chicken leg bento, all for a uniform price of 85 NTD. Although the grilled chicken leg bento I tried this time was somewhat unsatisfactory in terms of appearance and taste, the price of 85 NTD still attracted many customers.

In addition to bento boxes, they also sell a variety of beverages here. However, to prevent drunk driving, they do not offer Bali Da or similar energy drinks containing alcohol. Also, because the bento boxes are made off-site, they do not offer extra rice.

Free chili peppers and soup are available. Please ask for them when you make your purchase. Business hours are from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm. The shop is closed on Sundays and national holidays, so don't make a wasted trip!

This is the grilled pork chop bento. However, the pork chop is not thick enough, and the marinade hasn't fully penetrated the meat. I really think it would be better to coat it in flour and deep-fry it instead of grilling it.

I ordered the grilled chicken leg bento, but the chicken leg was sliced thinly before grilling, making it look very similar to the pork chop. To be honest, I initially thought the owner had given me the wrong order! Although this method allows the chicken leg to be cooked more easily and adds a different texture, it lacks the satisfaction of biting into a whole chicken leg and can easily cause confusion.

The side dishes include three kinds of seasonal vegetables and a fried egg. The portion of the vegetables is definitely sufficient. Overall, the main course is a bit weak.

The side dishes include three kinds of seasonal vegetables and a fried egg. The portion of the vegetables is definitely sufficient. Overall, the main course is a bit weak.

西螺休息站代表一號: 圍牆垂降便當
價格:80 元
亮點: 配菜種類豐富, 份量十足, 體驗獨特的垂降取餐樂趣。便當主菜
可惜:需等待垂降取餐,且口味較難指定(因為沒有價目表參考) 位於大貨車
到地面,顧客再從籃子裡取餐。 這種獨特的「垂降」儀式,也為便當增添
了不少趣味。 而便當本身也毫不遜色,豐富的配菜和家常口味, 讓人感受
Xiluo Rest Stop Representative #1: The Descending Lunchbox
Price: 80 NTD
Features: Abundant side dishes, home-style flavors.
Highlights: A wide variety of side dishes, generous portions, and the fun of experiencing the unique descending delivery method. The main course is substantial, and the side dishes are diverse.
Drawbacks: You need to wait for the lunchbox to be lowered, and it's difficult to specify your preferred dish (because there is no menu to refer to). Located near the wall by the truck parking lot, first-time visitors may need to ask a truck driver for directions.
The "descending lunchbox" at Xiluo Rest Stop is quite famous. Many people specifically visit Xiluo Rest Stop just to experience this special way of getting their meal. The vendor packs the lunchbox in a basket and lowers it to the ground using a rope, and customers retrieve their lunch from the basket. This unique "descending" ritual adds a lot of fun to the dining experience. The lunchbox itself is also excellent, with abundant side dishes and home-style flavors that make you feel the vendor's sincerity.

This lunchbox now costs 80 NTD. When I got it, it felt heavy. When I opened the lunchbox, I was even more amazed. Although I didn't specify the flavor that day, the braised pork and salted fish paste main dish was already full of sincerity. There were also 5 kinds of side dishes. No wonder so many truck drivers highly recommend it!

Although the braised pork in the main course this time was a bit fattier, it did not affect its deliciousness. Perhaps the truck drivers feel that eating fatty meat gives them strength, and seeing it might make them feel like it's a delicacy. Aside from the fat content of the meat, the thickness alone is impressive, isn't it? The taste of the descending lunchbox is a bit on the heavier side, probably considering the taste and physical needs of the truck drivers.

西螺休息站代表二號: 新東陽便當
價格: 75 元 (驚!比垂降便當還便宜!)
亮點:雞腿滷得入味,份量十足,配菜營養均衡,價格實惠, CP 值爆表!
Xiluo Rest Stop Representative #2: Xindongyang Lunchbox
Price: 75 NTD (Surprise! Even cheaper than the descending lunchbox!)
Features: Officially produced, quality guaranteed, great value.
Highlights: The chicken legs are flavorful and substantial, the side dishes are nutritionally balanced, the price is affordable, and the value for money is amazing! Sold by an official entity, with a unified invoice for business trip reimbursement.
Drawbacks: It seems that currently only chicken leg flavor is available.
西螺休息站官方版的「新東陽便當」最近祭出超殺優惠,只要 75 元就能
享用美味的雞腿便當! 相較於「垂降便當」的庶民風格,「新東陽便當」
現在價格還比「垂降便當」便宜, CP 值簡直爆表!
The official "Xindongyang Lunchbox" at Xiluo Rest Stop has recently launched a super attractive offer. For only 75 NTD, you can enjoy a delicious chicken leg lunchbox! Compared to the "descending lunchbox" with its commoner style, the "Xindongyang Lunchbox" is more refined in both packaging and dishes. The braised chicken leg, glistening and flavorful, is especially mouthwatering. Now the price is even cheaper than the "descending lunchbox," making it an incredible value!

After opening the lunchbox, I found that the arrangement inside was almost identical to the descending lunchbox, with the same generous and messy stacking. A quick count shows that in addition to the main course, there are also 5 side dishes. The key point is that so far, the price of Xindongyang is the cheapest, 5 NTD less than the wall-descending lunchbox.

The main course is a braised chicken drumstick. Although it doesn't have the "surf and turf" dual main course configuration of the others, trust me, this chicken drumstick is braised to perfection. The key point is that it's 5 NTD cheaper and comes with an invoice, giving you a chance to win 2 million NTD. This value for money is simply off the charts.

The side dishes include two slices of large sausage, a piece of dried tofu, and three kinds of seasonal vegetables, making it nutritionally complete. There is also spicy dried radish for everyone to eat with rice, which is quite comprehensive.
最終評比 Final Evaluation
成功奪下本次「便當爭霸戰」的冠軍寶座! 當然,每個人的口味和喜好都
不同,「垂降便當」 仍然以其獨特的取餐體驗和豐富的配菜, 佔有一席之地。
Overall, the "Xindongyang Lunchbox" at Xiluo Rest Stop successfully won the championship of this "Lunchbox Showdown" with its dual advantages of price and quality! Of course, everyone's taste and preferences are different. The "descending lunchbox" still occupies a place with its unique dining experience and abundant side dishes.
不藏私推薦 Personal Recommendations
如果你追求 CP 值,而且想品嚐美味的滷雞腿,那麼西螺休息站的
If you are looking for value for money and want to taste delicious braised chicken legs, then the "Xindongyang Lunchbox" at Xiluo Rest Stop is definitely the first choice!
If you want to experience the unique fun of the descending delivery method and like abundant side dishes, then the "descending lunchbox" at Xiluo Rest Stop is still worth trying.
If you just want to grab a quick bite and happen to be passing by Xinyiang Rest Stop, then the "wall lunchbox" is also an option to consider.
下次開車 traveling,不妨停下腳步,親自品嚐這些國道休息站的特色便當,
說不定你會發現更多 hidden 的美味驚喜!
Next time you are driving and traveling, why not stop and personally taste these characteristic lunchboxes at highway rest stops? Maybe you will discover more hidden delicious surprises!
貼心提醒 Friendly Reminders
As the information about the vendors may change, it is recommended to call and confirm before going to avoid disappointment.
The serving time and dishes of the "wall lunchboxes" at each rest stop may vary, please refer to the actual situation on site.
The prices of menu items may be adjusted due to factors such as fluctuations in commodity prices,
and the prices posted by the restaurant shall prevail. The prices listed are for reference only.
南北貨俱樂部粉絲團,請掃QR CODE來按讚喔!

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